The UPSC IAS Prelims 2018 is knocking the doorsteps of aspirants. The Prelims Examination is scheduled to be held the 3rd June 2018. Here are some tips to crack UPSC Prelims exam those who are giving Prelims in 2018.

1. Make easy-to-refer notes
With the vast UPSC syllabus and subjects to be included, small notes make big difference because it facilitates the aspirants to revise at ease during the last days of the prelims exams.

2. Memory techniques to recall information
You can enhance your memory by using visual aids like timeline, info graphics, charts, graphs or tables. They can also use abbreviations, mnemonics and timeline to recall information.

3. Mock tests
Aspirants should take mock tests along with their preparation and mock test can be taken in two ways before or after covering specific topics. Challenge yourself with our free mock test series for UPSC civil services examination, Click Here:

4. Right material
Several aspirants burden themselves with lots of information and eventually end up retaining very little. This happens when the aspirants fail to choose the right source of study material.
Click Here for the Complete Self-Study Package for UPSC IAS Prelims:

5. Speed and accuracy
By giving mock tests, aspirants will develop skills like time management that will allow them to tackle both GS Paper I and II (CSAT) and to solve more questions in less time.
6. Positive outlook
Aspirants should keep calm and study hard. It is essential to keep calm and have a positive outlook throughout the UPSC Preparation.

Study Material for UPSC IAS Prelims and Mains